
5 de Agosto, 2024
Auditorio Emma Perez Ferreira, Centro Atómico Constituyentes
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The first Swiss-Argentinean Workshop on Additive Manufacturing Materials (SA2M2) will be taking place in Centro Atomico Constituyentes, Buenos Aires on the 5th of August 2024, both in person and virtually, as a satellite event of the International Congress of Metallurgy and Materials SAM-CONAMET 2024.

SA2M2 is jointly organized by the Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina (CNEA-LAHN) and Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA-FI) in Argentina, and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, as part of a bi-lateral collaboration funded by the University of St. Gallen, through the Institute of Management in Latin America (GIMLA-HSG).

The workshop will showcase cutting-edge characterization techniques tailored for the additive manufacturing sector. Gathering experts from Switzerland and Argentina, spanning both research and industry domains, the event aims to foster knowledge exchange, facilitate networking opportunities, and stimulate insightful discussions.

The registration should be performed via the SA2M2 website ( In-person places are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no restrictions for virtual participation. As part of the workshop, in-person participants will get the opportunity to visit CNEA to learn more about their advanced characterization facilities.

Registration for the workshop is free of charge and open until June 30th, 2024.

Looking forward to your participation,

Javier Santisteban (CNEA)
Hernán Svoboda (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Florencia Malamud (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Markus Strobl (Paul Scherrer Institut)



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